

















Calgary Taiwanese Canadian Association BBQ


One day, I saw a notice on Facebook about an event organized by the Calgary Taiwanese Canadian Association. Since it was open to non-members and new friends, I quickly asked Spring if we should join in for some fun. Even though we were traveling here, our trip had been quite long, and getting to know the local Taiwanese community and understanding their way of life sounded like an interesting idea. Luckily, Spring agreed immediately, so I noted down the date and sent the address to Spring for safekeeping.


On the day of the event, we left our rental place at around 10:50. The venue was only 30 minutes away, but we wanted to make sure we wouldn't be late. When we arrived, we saw the Taiwanese flag hanging by the house, which immediately made us feel welcomed. Someone was even mowing the lawn in front of the house, and later we found out it was the association's president, who jokingly referred to themselves as the principal and bell-ringer!


We walked straight into the backyard, where a senior member was grilling Taiwanese-style sausages. I felt a bit shy about taking photos of the sausages since they were grilling frozen ones directly, which made them a bit too charred. As newcomers and not familiar with the setup, I didn't want to ask if I could help either, so I quietly observed from the side.


Soon, people came over to chat, and everyone was very natural and warm. We first got to know Mr. Ge, who came from Taipei and spent half a year living in Calgary during summer and the other half in Taipei during winter. His plans were surprisingly similar to what we had initially thought of, so we had a great time chatting and asking him lots of questions.


Then we met other new friends with different backgrounds: some was in construction and renovation, other in accounting, and some was selling bubble tea and more. Everyone had fascinating experiences, and we learned a lot from them. Since we didn't want the conversations to end, we exchanged contact information to stay in touch and continue learning from them or join their future activities.


Later, we also got to know the former president and asked her why the Calgary Taiwanese Canadian Association had its own clubhouse. She explained that in the early days, they volunteered for charity activities at the casino, and each year they saved some money from those events. When they had enough to cover the down payment, they bought the clubhouse. A community always relies on enthusiastic individuals to organize and participate, and today, we could see not only the older generation but also young people working together to make the event a success.


As the event neared its end, they started auctioning off the remaining items to collect membership fees. Spring bought a roasted chicken from Costco and was only asked for 8 dollars, but Spring gave 10 as a contribution to the event.


Although this event was billed as a BBQ, there wasn't much grilling of meat. We only had sausages, and the main dish was hot dog buns. However, the focus was not on the food but on the camaraderie and participation of everyone. We were fortunate to be part of this gathering, and we made some new friends, turning this BBQ into a joyful and unforgettable party in this city where we initially had no acquaintances.


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